We believe that we are in partnership with parents in the education of their children. Therefore parents are encouraged to:
assist with reading at home
participate in Liturgy celebrations
participate in Parish/School celebrations
assist in the Canteen
assist with excursions
assist in covering books
Parents are welcome to assist in the Literacy Block each morning between 9:00am and 11:00am. Initially parents are required to participate in a Literacy Helpers Course which is offered at the school early in the year by St.Leo's staff. This course involves attendance at a session at which parents are provided with strategies to enable them to work with students and parental expectations are outlined.
Parents may be asked to assist in other classroom activities as well throughout the year. Please note that a Working with Children Check is required to assist with any activity at school. http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/ and a signed Code of Conduct.